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2012年10月22日   来源:中国国际贸易促进委员会北京市分会  


英文名称:The Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry(FPCCI)




巴基斯坦工商联合总会成立于1950年,是私营部门和政府部门之间沟通的桥梁,由巴基斯坦工商界具有代表性的企业,协会和团体组成,麾下拥有48个工业商会,44家A级协会和87家B级协会。其服务宗旨为倡导采纳各私营部门对政府的有效建议,加大出口力度,鼓励外商进行投资等一系列经济活动,促进巴基斯坦同世界各国、各地区之间的贸易和经济关系的发展,增进同世界各 国人民以及经贸界之间的了解。其主要职能是发现贸易,工业以及环境中出现的问题,并与政府部门共同协商解决方案,为本国的经济发展起到了积极推动的作用。

Since its inception in 1950, the FPCCI has advocated and voiced the collective opinion, concern and aspiration of the private sector and offered helpful advice and solid assistance to the Government in its efforts to promote exports, encourage foreign investment and stimulate economic activity in the country. The FPCCI has its fingers on the pulse of the economy and serves as a bridge between the private sector and the Government. FPCCI has under its umbrella, 48 Chambers of Commerce and Industry, 44 all Pakistan 'A' Class Associations and 87 'B' Class Associations representing industry, trade and service sectors. The FPCCI is playing an active role in presenting problems of trade, industry and environment and safeguarding the interests of the private sector through constant dialogue with the Government.