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2012年04月12日   来源:中国国际贸易促进委员会北京市分会  


英文名称:Australia-China Business Council, Victoria Branch
自1973年创建以来, 澳大利亚中国工商业委员会维多利亚州分会一直是促进澳中经贸关系中的主要动力之一。中国是该州最大的出口市场,同时也是不断增长的外国直接投资的来源国.维多利亚州分会拥有240多个会员组织。此外,中小型公司 (包括初创企业和微型企业) 也利用澳中商会的服务来推动自己在中国的业务目标。如此广泛的成员代表涵盖了澳中两国之间所有的商业和专业活动领域。
维多利亚分会也在尽一切可能,鼓励及促成其他组织放眼中国。随着会员数量的持续增长,商会的实力将不断得到增强, 在鼓励并推动澳中商业关系方面必将能发挥更加重要的作用。
ACBC in Victoria has played a leading role in building links between Australia and China since 1973.
The relationship between Victoria and China is one that is based not merely upon trade and business, but also upon a deep people to people relationship. China is Victoria’s largest trading partner and its impact on Victoria’s economy, businesses and people will continue to grow in significance.
ACBC Victoria regularly hosts significant delegations from China and provides access to their counterparts in Australia through briefings and networking.  ACBC Victoria has also showcased the pre-eminent position industries such as the automotive industry, agriculture and food processing, clean energy, architecture and green building technology, service industries of tourism, education, banking and Finance sector and social security occupy in Victoria.