The 25th China Beijing International High-tech Expo
2011年04月26日    来源:科博会官网(www.chitec.cn)

欧洲投资银行亚洲及拉丁美洲局局长  弗朗西斯科

Francisco de Paula Coelho – Director, Asia & Latin America Department, Lending Operations outside the EU


   从布鲁塞尔大学的索尔维商业学院毕业后,Francisco de Paula Coelho在加入华盛顿世界银行之前在以下职位上获得成功:联合国工业发展组织金融分析师,里斯本大学金融助理讲师,纽约新兴市场投资促进咨询师。




    After graduating from Solvay Business School, University of Brussels, Francisco de Paula Coelho, held successively the following positions: financial analyst with Unido, assistant lecturer in Economics at the University of Lisbon and consultant in investment promotion for Emerging Countries in New York, before joining the World Bank, in Washington.

    He started his career at the EIB, in 1987, as a loan officer for the ACP countries. In 1989, he was transferred to the Treasury Dept. as Manager of the EIB’s bond portfolio, after which, he became Head of the Loans Back Office. In 2000, he was promoted Director of the Dept. for Planning and Settlement of Operations.

    Since April 2004, Francisco de Paula Coelho is Director of the Department for Operations in Asia and Latin America.