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2012年05月19日   来源:中国国际贸易促进委员会北京市分会  


香港贸易发展局(香港贸发局)成立于1966年,是专责推广香港对外贸易的法定机构,服务对象包括以香港为基地的制造商、服务供货商及贸易商。我们在世界各地设有40多个办事处,其中13个在中国内地,推广香港作为通往中国内地及亚洲的营商平台。香港贸发局举办国际展览会和会议,以及商贸考察团,协助企业尤其是中小企业拓展内地及海外市场。此外,香港贸发局透过产品杂志、研究报告,以及包括新闻中心在内的数码平台,发布最新的市场和产品信息。有关香港贸发局的其他信息,请浏览 。

Hong Kong Trade Development Council

A statutory body established in 1966, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) is the international marketing arm for Hong Kong-based traders, manufacturers and services providers. With more than 40 offices globally, including 13 on the Chinese mainland, the HKTDC promotes Hong Kong as a platform for doing business with China and throughout Asia. The HKTDC also organises international exhibitions, conferences and business missions to provide companies, particularly SMEs, with business opportunities on the mainland and in overseas markets, while providing information via trade publications, research reports and digital channels including the media room. For more information, please visit: