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2012年05月19日   来源:中国国际贸易促进委员会北京市分会  



ING是一家具有深厚欧洲背景的全球性金融机构,通过旗下的ING银行提供银行服务,并大量持有上市保险公司NN Group NV的股份。ING银行旨在协助客户在生活和事业上实现领先一步的规划。ING银行的52,000名员工为逾40个国家的客户提供零售和商业银行服务。  

ING集团的股票(以存托凭证的形式)在阿姆斯特丹交易所(INGA NA,ING.AS)、布鲁塞尔交易所,以及纽约证券交易所(美国存托凭证代码:ING US,ING.N)上市。

可持续性是ING集团企业战略中不可或缺的组成部分,这也能通过ING的股票被收入富时社会责任指数(FTSE4Good)与道琼斯可持续发展指数(欧洲和全球)(Dow Jones Sustainability Index (Europe and World))得以证实。纵观所有被纳入道琼斯可持续发展指数的公司,ING集团是银行业界的领军者。 


ING在亚太地区主要负责商业、零售和网上银行(Direct Banking)业务。ING银行的商业银行业务部门遍布及活跃于13个亚太主要经济体,包括澳大利亚、中国、中国香港特别行政区、印度尼西亚、日本、马来西亚、蒙古、菲律宾、新加坡、韩国、台湾、泰国和越南。ING在亚洲的业务包括拥有北京银行13.6%的股权;印度Kotak Mahindra银行6.4%的股权、泰国TMB银行30.0%的股权以及澳大利亚ING Direct 100%的股权。

About ING

ING is a global financial institution with a strong European base, offering banking services through its operating company ING Bank and holding a significant stake in the listed insurer NN Group NV. The purpose of ING Bank is empowering people to stay a step ahead in life and in business. ING Bank’s 52,000 employees offer retail and wholesale banking services to customers in over 40 countries.

ING Group shares are listed (in the form of depositary receipts) on the exchanges of Amsterdam (INGA NA, ING.AS), Brussels and on the New York Stock Exchange (ADRs: ING US, ING.N).
Sustainability forms an integral part of ING's corporate strategy, which is evidenced by ING Group shares being included in the FTSE4Good index and in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (Europe and World) where ING is the industry leader in the diversified financials group.

ING Banking Asia

ING Bank covers Wholesale, Retail and Direct Banking in Asia Pacific. Our wholesale  banking business is present and active in 13 major economies in the Asia Pacific, namely Australia, China, Hong Kong SAR, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. ING’s presence in Asia also includes a 13.6% stake in Bank of Beijing, China; a 6.4% stake in Kotak Mahindra Bank, India; a 30.0% stake in TMB Bank, Thailand; and a 100% stake in ING Direct in Australia.